Duxbury Beach Triathlon 2023 status
There will not be a triathlon this year. We hope the triathlon will return in 2024! Best of luck with your training and triathlon racing.
Please enjoy this video we found of two local boys, Nolan Ruel and Jake Boudreau. Thanks for doing this gentlemen!
The Duxbury Beach Triathlon consists of a .35-mile straight-line swim across Duxbury Bay, a 13-mile rolling out and back course and a 3-mile run through one the most scenic locations in New England. It is also one the safest events you will participate in anywhere. The event is will now close with a limit of 750 total entries, approximately 700 individuals and 50 relay teams.
Divisions include Athena and Clydesdale, 5-year incremental age groups from 20 years and up, Inlet (Police, Fire, Military, etc.) and also 2 or 3-person relay teams. The minimum age for individual participants is 13 unless otherwise approved by the race director. Prize money is awarded to the top 3 overall finishers thanks to our long-time sponsor Team Psycho with $300-200-100 to the top 3 Male & Female athletes respectively. Medals are given to the top 3 in all individual divisions.
Partnership with Special Olympics Massachusetts
The 2021 Duxbury Beach Triathlon is proud to be partnering with Special Olympics of MA and their LETR Program (Law Enforcement Torch Run). For more information please contact race director Brian Noyes, 781-706-1166, or Stephanie Esposito with SOMA at 508-485-0986 x256.
Masters Swim
The Kingsbury Club & Spa in Kingston offers a Masters Swim program - a great way to train for the Duxbury Beach Triathlon.
Race Inquiries
For all race inquiries please contact Race Director Brian Noyes at 781-706-1166 or via email at director@duxburybeachtriathlon.com.
The Tools for Your First Triathlon
Eat And Run: Preventing Dehydration To Improve Performance
11 Tips On Becoming A Fearless Swimmer
Beginner's Guide To Incorporating A Bike Trainer Into Cycling Workouts
Training Video: Comfort vs Speed in Transitions
Training: Improving Your Run Training